Hi all,
Can anyone help, i am using the survival analysis tool to run a data set for the kaplan Meier curve on the configuration when i do not use the grouping the out put run but when i goup by F_Diag it gives an error
Error: Survival Analysis (57): Tool #231: Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
Error: Survival Analysis (57): Tool #231: Execution halted
Error: Survival Analysis (57): Tool #263: Tool #6: No valid fields were selected.
Error: Survival Analysis (57): Tool #231: The R.exe exit code (1) indicated an error.
I have tried changing the data type but it still give me the same error, attached is the data set ,
Configuration window
i am running on the Input option TIME OF FOLLOWING as the duration variable , data right-censored and the dropdown is rrcen
on the Analysis Option -choose field to groupby -----F_DIAG
any help will be greatly appreciated.
Attached is the dataset.
Do you mind sharing the workflow please.
Hi @razzy ,
This is due to the grouping function on the "Analysis Options" section of the first Survival Analysis tool:
You are grouping by age, but my suspicions are that you don't have enough data to adequately represent each age group once you have split your data into these buckets. Many of the age groups are unary and will therefore throw an error.
To get around this you can either put more data into the model; you can drop the age grouping or you can create a new column which creates buckets for date ranges which would result in more records per categorical variable. This would get around the unary variable problem.
Hope this helps,
Thanks so much M, if you go through the workflow i am not really grouping by age i am using the field F_DAG on the sceond analysis which is a categorical field , there are like three distinct groups defined. See below:
i have tried changing the data types but the error still comes up..
Error: Survival Analysis (11): Tool #231: Error in paste("Surv(the.data$", the.start, ", the.data$", the.stop, ", the.data$", :
Error: Survival Analysis (11): Tool #231: Execution halted
Error: Survival Analysis (11): Tool #263: Tool #6: No valid fields were selected.
Error: Survival Analysis (11): Tool #231: The R.exe exit code (1) indicated an error.
without the grouping it works and i need the grouping for the analysis.
Thanks again