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obtain XML ** code of entire workflow (not single tool)

8 - Asteroid

HI everyone,

I am having trouble understanding a workflow from one of the weekly challenges.

I want to copy the entire XML code (not for individual tool but for workflow in entirety) and paste in in Chatgpt for understanding the workflow better.


How can I access the entire workflow XML code? It consists of around 30 different tools.

15 - Aurora

Hi @SaiKrishna2589 ,

I've never used Chap GPT for Alteyrx workflow, but the .yxmd file is actually a XML data. (not HTML)

So technically you should be able to open it with text editor and copy it to anywhere you want.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @Yoshiro_Fujimori  . sorry for the typo. corrected my question to XML code.
I will try pasting the XML in Chatgpt  and see what I get
