Hi, I am having a challenge with the below data. I cannot paste workflow due to security issues. Here is my data:
totalpages: 7
resourcesperpage: 30
resourcesreturned: 30
totalresources: 193
nexturl: http://empdata.com/v1/survey/?emptemplateid=2?pageIndex=1&pagesize=30
lname: ka
isactive: y
status: yes
class: 10
lname: ka
isactive: y
status: yes
class: 11
lname: ka
isactive: y
status: yes
class: 11
Requirement - I have an API with huge data that return 30 records per page and it is having 7 pages. I have multiple issues.
I'm able to see these columns and data in API download tool - URL, DownloadData, DownloadHeaders
1st Issue - DownloadData - I'm not getting all data. It says "Cell has > 256 characters".
2nd Issue - When i add json parser, am getting conversion error and not able to see data in columns.
Also, how do i do iterative macro?
Hi @Dinesh13
1st Issue - don't worry about this one, your data is there and this message can be considered a warning. If you were missing data you'd get a message saying the data was truncated instead. Alteryx just won't display more than 256 characters (unless you use a browse tool). For API calls the Download Data column is usually very long anyway so i'd expect that.
2nd Issue - could you share the error message and your configuration? Usually the JSON Parse tool returns the data in a useable format but you have to use additional tools - this challenge solution covers parsing JSON extracted via an API which may be able to help you as well -> https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Weekly-Challenge/Challenge-7-Download-Data-and-Parse-JSON/td-p/3673...
Iterative macros - there is a wealth of info here -> https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/tkb-p/interactive-lessons/label-name/Macros which includes learning on creating an iterative macro. In addition within Alteryx under Help-Sample Workflows there are examples to look at.
Hi, I'm getting JSON Parse (37) Error message: Invalid value. at character position: 0. I think the data is in xml but it doesn't look like that for me.