Hi, I am trying to move a folder(test1) which contains xslx and subfolders into another folder (results) using an alteryx workflow. Tried using the run command tool but only managed to extract out the xlsx files but not the sub folders. How should i go about doing this, or is this even possible?
I used this which only extracted the xlsx files but not the subfolders.
Hi, @helpmepls
What code used in your Command tool , like cmd or PowerShell ?
If you use cmd, maybe can try the function Robocopy /MOVE to get your want.
I am new to alteryx and just followed the discussion linked above and tried to run the workflow
what do u mean by robocopy /MOVE , can u give me an example? thank you
Hi, @helpmepls
In your code of bat file, you may need to use robocopy /move instead of the move command.
So i change the bat file and not the interface of this run command tool?
sry but i also cannot find the bat file/ open it...
Hi, @helpmepls
You can assign the path of your bat file, the code of bat like 'robocopy "c:\123" "d:\abc" /MOVE /E' , then it can be move all file and sub-folders from c:\123 to d:\abc folder,
how do i change the path of my bat file? the post i referred to mentioned that the bat file is created on the fly by the formula tool