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choosing the largest amount

7 - Meteor

hi, i am new to Alteryx and i am trying to sort data from pic 1 to pic 2 which means when 1 amount of favourite is higher than the another one and they fall under the same Child, it will considered as the only favourite, a new column is created/existing column will be updated to become pic 2 


pic 1pic 1pic 2pic 2

11 - Bolide

Please find workbook attached.


I have used a Summarize tool and I group by Granny, Parents and Child and choose the MAX of Favourite.

7 - Meteor

hi mborriero,


sorry i forgot to include another column that contains different data. below is the new column appended and the new output that i am looking for. any #N/A value when be compared to others, it will display the other value instead of #N/A even though #N/A is higher. please refer to pic 3 as the existing table and pic 4 the new output.


pic 3pic 3pic 4pic 4

11 - Bolide

@azuzuI have added a formula that replace N/A with null, then I did the same summarize as before, in order to find the MAX for the favourite and joined back to the original table.


7 - Meteor

it works! thank you for your help :)

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