Is there a way I can write my output into the file I use as Input?
For example, I'm using an excel file as Input and would like to write my output into the same file in a different sheet, do I need to manually choose that file or is there a way I can just update my input file automatically? Will there be an error because I'm using it in the same workflow?
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
You can use a BLOCK UNTIL DONE tool just before your output or just after the input. Now everything is ready for a read and write.
Hi Mark!
Thanks so much for the quick respond! That will solve my problem when I write the output.
Is there any way to automatically write my output in whichever file i use as an input, without having to specify that file?
Thank you!
Hi LinhNguyen,
Building on MarqueeCrew's spot-on solution, a small addition from me to answer your latest question is in attached workflow file.
You can derive file name or the entire path by selecting 'Output File Name as Field' - options are: 'Full Path', 'File Name Only' or default: 'No'.
You can use Formula tool to manipulate the value to point to a new sheet, please notice the specific format for Excel output as: file name with extension followed by "|||" and sheet name like: "input.xlsx|||Sheet1"
Have fun and all the best!
#Excuse me, do you speak Alteryx?
That was awesome, Rafal!
What if I do not know the name of the input sheet? With this workflow I will need a fixed input sheet name ('sheet 1' for example) in order for the formula to work, but is there a way to write that output in the correct path without knowing the input sheet name?
Thank you!
Hi LinhNguyen,
Updated workflows are attached.
I've used Regex tool to dynamically get the input tab name: .+\|\|\|(.+) - this is extracting anything that follows 3x pipes (this is a reserved characted and thus needs to be escaped).
Following this a Formula tool is replacing the above value with new tab name.
All this should be achievable within a single Formula tool and one of the Regex function, but I always prefer to use dedicated tool as it's more explicit.
My coworker tried using a block until done when using a dynamic input from a file, that he then wants to write the output to. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work in connection with a dynamic input, probably because of the iterative nature of a dynamic input. He's looking at other options. Right now he's thinking of writing the output file to a different file name and then using a batch script to delete the old file and rename the new file. But we were wondering if there was another more elegant solution. Control containers can do it I believe, but we aren't able to upgrade to the Alteryx version that has control containers for another month.