I'm wanting to copy some images files (PNG, JPG, WEBP, etc .. ) from a network drive to an S3 bucket in a workflow.
I have written a workflow, but I've just discovered that because I'm using the Amazon S3 Upload tool I can only upload files as yxdb, avro, csv or json so it won't work at all.
Has anyone done this before?
@cmcclellan I think the issue is the tool is designd to WRITE to an S3 vs to Copy to an S3. So the selected outputs are kind of data you may have an Alteryx workflow. Not sure if the Aimpoint version handles this - but I'd recommend using CLI if you've already authenticated locally to AWS on your system.
You would create a commnd prompt which runs AWS S3 CP "filename/location" "s3location" --recursive (if you are including multiple files potentially)