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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Without using Input Data tool extract the data

8 - Asteroid

The task involves creating an Alteryx workflow to process multiple Excel datasets (up to 10 files), combining them into a single Excel file with multiple sheets. The workflow will include options for grouping data by specified columns, calculating grand totals, and adding subtotals based on user input. The output will have consistent formatting across sheets, with bold headers, gray backgrounds, and specific placement for totals. Users will select files through a FileBrowse tool, and the file paths will be processed with Action and Formula tools to dynamically populate file names and reporting periods.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

What have you already tried?  Or do you not know where to start?


Many people are available to help with specific questions.  But most responses don't include fully developed workflows.


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8 - Asteroid

Hi @ChrisTX ,

I just want someone to answer so that I can be sure of what I'm doing.

I'm using FileBrowse Tool -> Action Tool -> Text Input of reporting date -> Formula tool to extract the file name ->

And somehow I feel maybe I'm on the wrong path while parsing the data.

and also if I can do it without using Dynamic Input Tool

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I suggest you create some test data, and post a workflow with only your first one or two steps, and ask if there's a better way to do it.


Then take the next few steps and post a sample workflow with specific questions.


I understand that you feel like you may be on the wrong path, but breaking the task down into multiple steps would probably help here.

Just reading your initial post, I have more questions than answers.


Some of my initial questions:

1) The task involves creating an Alteryx workflow to process multiple Excel datasets (up to 10 files),

Does each Excel file have the same format?  Multiple sheets?  Same number of sheets, exact same column names, column count, data types?

If any column name or data type is different, should the workflow stop with an Error, or create a new column with a "2" at the end of the column name?


2) combining them into a single Excel file with multiple sheets

same output format for all sheets?

you could possibly use one Output tool, or with multiple formats maybe use Control Containers


Without additional details, it's almost impossible to provide valuable feedback.



8 - Asteroid



Starting with File Selection and Data Processing, I'm good there.

But then I'm stuck for Data Aggregation and processing, I should use FileBrowse tool again or there is some other good way to do it.


There is a format for files example: Daily Expense Details_11-15-2024.xlsx, all are excel files with single sheet. and there are upto 10 excel sheets that are going to be used that also means there can only be 4 files also.

and for the output, it requires single sheet single excel file with every required data.


WhatsApp Image 2024-11-20 at 18.27.55_f8a32db7.jpg

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

FileBrowse is part of the Input Data step


Data Aggregation is after Data Input



8 - Asteroid

That where I'm not able to proceed. I have 3 files with which I can test the workflow. but in order to load the data how should I do it. After this input data setup.


There is a format for files example: Daily Expense Details_11-15-2024.xlsx, all are excel files with single sheet. and there would be upto 10 excel files that are going to be used, that also means there can only be 3 files.

And for the output, it requires single sheet, single excel file with every required data.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I think your question is:


I want to write a workflow or app that allows a user to select up to 10 different Excel files (I'm guessing using separate File Browse tools).

Each Excel file will have only one sheet, and the format (sheet names, field names, and data types) of each Sheet should be the same.

I'm OK if the workflow/app generates an error if any Sheet format is different from the other Sheets.


Then I want to import all of the specified Excel files into one data stream for additional data aggregation.

What's the most efficient way to allow the user to select 10 Excel files and to import those files?



8 - Asteroid

You're absolutely correct.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Attached is an app to help you get started



In Alteryx Designer, under the Interface category, click the File Browse tool, click Open Example, and study the example workflow

Do the same with the Check Box tool and the Radio Button tool


All of the .YXWZ files in this folder are apps, with interface automation examples, to help learn how to develop your own apps:

C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Samples\

Screenshot 2024-11-21 073459.png


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