Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Why Alteryx?

5 - Atom

There are already other analysis and visualization tools in the tech world like Tableau. So what the thing about Alteryx differentiates it from others and how?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sanchit28,


this is very completex question in my opinion. For me Alteryx is realy easy to use and it is very flexible tool.

Thanks to the Alteryx you will be able to use many complex problems and you will do it faster comparing to other tools.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


For me, the modulized function (Icons) and the repeatability of workflow.

Hi @sanchit28 


That’s a great question!


Alteryx is an E2E platform. You can use Designer not only to prep and blend your data, but to also enrich it with spatial, demographic, predictive and prescriptive analysis, if need be.


Also it’s a code free environment which helps non coders to create advanced analytics without writing a single line of code. Imagine how this would help data workers to take their work to the next level.


Also Alteryx is data agnostic which means that it can connect to flat files, several databases as well as data in the cloud thru rest API calls.


Hope you find this useful. Cheers!
