Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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What's the easiest way to drop a table in Alteryx?

11 - Bolide

I create a lot of tables in Alteryx but rarely have to drop them. When I do, what is the most efficient way? Thanks for any insight.

16 - Nebula

Hi @tristank 


I would not dare to say that this is the most efficient way, but it is surely an efficient enough way. You can use the dynamic input tool with a dummy select 1 statement just to make the tool run without errors, and then drop the table.


select top 1 * from database.schema.table;

drop table database.schema.table


Screenshot 2023-07-31 174449.png

11 - Bolide

@Felipe_Ribeir0 thanks for your response it is much appreciated. I will test this out!

11 - Bolide

@Felipe_Ribeir0 I got over my fears of messing with tables and found a nice solution: An input tool straight to an output tool. You input the datasource you want to drop, output that same table to the DB but put the drop table query in the Post SQL of the output tool. Worked like a charm :)
