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What does this error mean?

6 - Meteoroid

Hi! I have a workflow that I created to combine some files. It has six components to them that all use a directory to pull from. They all pull basically the same information but from different months. 5 out of 6 of them work perfectly but I keep getting an error on one. I have never seen this error before. Can you please tell me what this error means? 
"Record #3: Tool #1: Cell name (#N/A) is out of range. File may be corrupt." 

*** To note, the same files that this workflow is pulling, work in another workflow that I have just fine so I am positive the file is not corrupt ***




13 - Pulsar

@TriciaB I haven't seen this exactly error before, but check to see if you have any blank columns or rows in the file that is failing?

6 - Meteoroid

That was my first thought so I did try that already (I went into each of the three files in this directory and deleted all blank rows and columns at the end to be sure) and I still get the error. I have tried saving the workflow, closing and reopening, deleting that container and recreating, resaving the files from the source onto my desktop. I am at a loss. 

Thank you for the suggestion, I do appreciate it.

19 - Altair

attach a browse tool after your directory tool. You may have a junky corrupt excel file which has no data or doesn't look right in your directory.

6 - Meteoroid


It appears to only have the three that should be and all column fields are green.

19 - Altair

O.k. - next question - can you share the configuration of your action tool in your batch macro? Are you expecting a standard sheet - and are you providing a range of cells in your input data?

6 - Meteoroid

Yep, so the configuration is FullPath (V_WString) as are all the others in the workflow. Each directory will pull three files to combine for different quarters. They are all pulling files as below. Each file has the same data (22 columns each, all labeled the same and all columns have numeric or alphanumeric data just different months worth of data). They are all set up as *xlsx for the directory input and the output tool in each container. The same file it references in the macro error, works in another workflow that I had created but I am hoping I can simplify things with this one. 



Anyways, I hope this is what you are asking for. I appreciate the help,



7 - Meteor

Hi @TriciaB, may I know if you have this issue resolved? If so can you share your solution here? I'm having the same issue. Thanks!

12 - Quasar

@syazana Hello. I'm not sure if @TriciaB got a solution, but she may not see this as it's a few months without activity. You may want to post this separately for a faster response. Also, your error may mean something different.


For @TriciaB  if you haven't gotten an answer, the error is indicating the issue is in tool #1 inside of the macro itself. Tool #1 is typically the macro input tool. I would investigate the macro input tool (verify it is tool # 1) and see if the data inside contains blank rows or (#N/A) as a value. It may be a text input or a file input so check the data in whichever is set. Also, I see 4 macros in your workflow, but it isn't clear if they are all the same macro. Can you confirm (if you are still having an issue). Thanks!


7 - Meteor

Thank you, @jdminton! It seems like Alteryx treats the empty columns in my source file as columns with Null values, hence causing the Cell name (#N/A) out of range error. Strangely, it works fine when I run the file one by one when running in Macro canvas, but not in my main workflow.


I solved this by limiting the column range in my workflow  :)
