Hi All,
Could you please tell me what alteryx exactly is? Because I am very much confuse on Analytics Tool\ETL tool\Data Science tool
Whether it is Data Analytics Tool?
ETL Tool? or Data Science Tool?
And what are the correspondence tools are in market now?
Thank you in advance.
You might find the data sheet helpful: https://www.alteryx.com/sites/default/files/2018-11/Designer-Datasheet-20184.pdf
Hi Emil_Kos,
Thank you for reply.
I am already using Alteryx Designer and Server 2019. But i am very much confuse about in which criteria Alteryx we can consider.
Whether it is Analytics or ETL or Reporting tool.
Because i never found the name of Alteryx when i searching ETL tools in google. It gives me SSIS, informatica etc.
Thank you 🙂
Hi @alt_tush,
I think Alteryx is ETL tool. Users on stack overflow have the same opinion:
Hello @alt_tush ,
Alteryx is an ETL tool yes, but it's like saying that a smartphone is just a phone (it lets you call people right?).
The customization and wide implementation and compatibility makes this tool great, but the ability to perform analitycs in an easy, agile and understanable way makes it my favourite. There are others of course which offer similar results but none of them have achieved the desired potential.
If you want to fit alteryx within a grouping term I would rather considering it an analytics or data science tool.
This is just a short description. Remember that if you need some day any help with something you can always count on us! 🙂