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Week Number to Date Formula?

5 - Atom

Hi, I have a set of data that has week numbers instead of dates, and I'm trying to add a column with a date to go onto do time series forecasting. I imagine it's possible to input start date and keep adding 7 days, but I will eventually be using files with different starting week numbers so if it's possible to avoid doing this for every file that would be best! I know there are ways to go from a date to a week number, but I haven't used Alteryx enough to know if there's a way of doing it the other way around? Thanks!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @rachel9989 ,


Do you have the information about the year ? Or do you have only a column with week numbers as 1,2,3...51,52 ?





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Here's one way. From year and weeknumber, find the Monday of the 1st week of the year, then add the (weeknumber-1) * 7days to that date.


Example attached




6 - Meteoroid

How would I make this work for data that spans 2-3 years?


For example, I could have 2 records with week "12," but one record has a value with 2012 in the year field and the other record has 2013 as the year.

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