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Using Render tool to format multiple sheets in the same file

6 - Meteoroid



I built a workflow that creates rows of data, which I want to export to several separate excel files.
For this, I generated a Field "File Address" that contains the full path (FilePath) where I want to save my grouped data.

Important information : some of the FilePath drive to the same excel file, but with different sheet names.

I can easily generate my Excel files with the Output Tool, with workbooks and worksheets with the right names and in the right folders.


However, I would like to give a basic format to these recorded files:
• HEADER in bold, colored.
• If possible, but not mandatory, Columns with optimized widths


I tried many things, via the Table tool and Render Tool but without success. I still have this error: "Error: x64 Designer: x64 Designer: InboundNamedPipe :: ReadFile: Not enough bytes read. The communication channel has been closed. "


I think that this comes from the generation of different sheets at the same time, in the same file.

You will find attached my simplified data and workflow.


Is it possible to render different sheets in the same file with the render tool ?

Does someone have an idea to fix it ?


Thank you very much for your help.

7 - Meteor

Hi @danrh 


Thanks for the solution, it helped a lot!

Could you please clear my doubt on the following, as you wrote-

" If you want to re-name the tabs in the excel file, change Section Name to whatever field has the tab names."


I tried doing this, but still not getting my sheets named as the selected field. They still come as "Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", etc..

Probably I am doing it wrongly, can you tell what can possibly be the problem?

Thank you!!


Thanks kvr, the solution is simple and works perfectly for dynamically generating file names and also writes to multiple excel sheets. 

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