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Use Allocate to select trade area base on places

8 - Asteroid

I'm trying to create a trade area boundary by selecting the city boundary.  I'm using an allocate input limited to places which is acted upon by a tree interface tool.  I've got the action tool updating the @key but this is giving me the full list of places and not the one I select.  Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?  Any suggestions?


Thanks for the help!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Brad,

With your current setup the Tree tool is outputting as XML like below.


		<Geography type="PLACES" key="0600394" />


With that in mind, we'll need to change the Action tool to make use of this output.  I've switched it to Update Raw XML with Formula. Granted in this case we're not using much of a formula, simply telling it where to look for the output XML generated from our selection.  We picked from geographies so that's the Element we'll update. Next since it has the Outer XML tags "<Geographies>" already included we'll select "Update Outer Xml.  Last is our formula, in this case simply adding the field/item created by the questions that's connected for the sample attached it's "[#1]"




I've made a sample the with the above changes to the Action tool.


The method you were trying is better suited if you have a list of keys already and want to update based on a selection from that list using just the key. You could probably accomplish this by using the update value with formula option and extracting the Key value from the XML. However I think the method outlined will be easier to work with in this case.


Hope this helps, good luck with your app.

8 - Asteroid

Works nicely!  Thanks!  

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