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Use AMP engine on some macros in a workflow but not all

5 - Atom

Hi gang,


I have a workflow using a large amount of data that contains multiple different macros. Some function correctly with the AMP engine (are not affected by sort order) others do not (are affected by sort order). 


Is it possible to have some macros in a workflow run using the AMP engine and others use the standard engine?


Any thoughts / help appreciated. 



14 - Magnetar

it's my understanding that macros will run using the engine set in main workflow they're placed in.


The entire workflow will either run with AMP Engine enabled or without it, depending on the setting. Any tools or functionality that is not yet supported by AMP Engine should fall back to the original Engine even if AMP Engine is selected. 


We will have a new feature that will allow users to select 'Engine Compatibility Mode' when using AMP Engine - this will result in the sorted order matching the original Engine for those grouping tools that can return records in a different order when AMP Engine is selected. The reason that is not the default with AMP is that it can come with a performance cost. 

That feature will be available in the next Release version. 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Product Manager, cloud App Builder
5 - Atom

Thanks for the info on this.


With this new 'Engine Compatibility Mode' enabled, will a workflow running the AMP engine essentially output exactly the same data (order and all) as if the flow were run using the default engine?






This 'Engine Compatibility Mode' is only about the output record order of the tools mentioned under the "Output Differences" section of our Alteryx Engine and AMP: Main Differences document. The rest of the differences will remain, unless they are addressed in the scope of future features, in which case we will update the documentation. 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Product Manager, cloud App Builder
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