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Updating Records in text input tool with text box interface tool

7 - Meteor



I am creating an app where the user can input multiple values into the text box interface tool so that it can update the text input tool on run. I am running into some trouble where the values in the text box are not updating as expected. Instead, the app continues to use the sample data that is already in the text input tool. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Thank you 

19 - Altair

2021-05-20 (1).png


your action configuration needs to be updated - post a photo of the action configuration - but basically you need to set it to update the value being passed in form the interface tool into a cell (or to replace a value) in the text input tool.

7 - Meteor

Thank you for the reply. I updated the action tool as you showed below but I am still getting the same results. I've attached a picture for you to review.


Thank you

19 - Altair

is "replace a specific string" checked?


If you can change the temp value in that text input - I'd use letters - Alteryx could try to render a number as a number in text input and expect a number replacement.


If that's not working can you share more of your sample data/workflow? This assume you are running this as an app/macro and hitting the wand to run - instead of clicking run workflow.

7 - Meteor

Correct. "replace specific string" is checked. I tried switching the sample data to just be a string of letters and that caused the workflow not to run completely. Also, I am running the app using the wand. I have pasted a picture below of the sample data that is in the text input tool and a few pictures of the workflow/other tools as well. Please let me know if you need to see more.







19 - Altair

Hm. Can you toggle between updating the cell and replacing the text in the cell? Also - perhaps a browse after the text/input so you can see if the hang up is there or at the text to columns. 

5 - Atom

You need to add Output tool after Text Input and run the workflow using Wand, then only the values will get updated.

Find the solution Attached.

For all NewBees: attached app wont get opened directly, you need to open Alteryx first then brows and open the attached app.

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