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Update Values with Formula - Auto populate additional filter based on user selection

8 - Asteroid

Hello all!!


I've got a workflow where the user selects the first filter (CoCd) and then I'd like the appropriate GL Accounts to automatically get filtered as well based on their first first selection. Currently I've got them as two separate analytic app inputs but wondering if it's possible to make it auto populate for the second field (GL Account) - I'm thinking it is with Update Values with Formula but I haven't been able to get it working yet. Any suggestions? 


There are 2-3 GL accounts that are relevant for each company code, if the user selected these two company codes below I (100000 and 1040000) then we'd want the output to be the rows highlighted as just those GL Accounts are relevant. After this I just output the results including CoCd, GL Account and Balance.



13 - Pulsar

For that type of dynamic filtering in an app, you need to use chained apps.

You can find a great training video of how to do that here.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I dont also good solution for this, since basically Alteryx is not run time programe.

If your filter is not changing much, maybe you can consider using the Tree Tool, which requires a pre-defined XML though.

