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Understanding how Element Boundaries work in Visual Layout

5 - Atom

Trying to get my report output to look a bit better and testing out the Visual Layout tool for easier configuration of a series of charts. I am not sure how the "Element Boundaries" work and I can better position my tables. I have tables that I want to move side-by-side and above and below within my report. How can I shape these element boundaries and what do I need to know in working with them. I cannot located any documentation on the answer to this. 


Hi @JMC400m 


Element boundaries are there as a guide to help you see where things will be positioned against other elements. They guide you when dropping elements onto the layout window. 


Whilst the tickbox is selected you cannot move or add further elements, but you can see how they are all nested with each other.


When it is unselected you can add and move elements on the layout and they do highlight if you hover over the layout with an element to guide where you may want to place your new element, i.e. next to, above or below. 


When you click on an element itself you have the ability to adjust the width of the element within the bounds of your page settings.

Visual Layout.PNGVisual Layout - adding an element.PNG


Hope this helps.

Samantha Clifton
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