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Tutorial to connect Shopify with Alteryx

6 - Meteoroid

I am wondering whether anyone connect Shopify successfully with Alteryx. I saw some comments to use Alteryx Download Tool to connect Shopify but I am not sure how to use download tool to connect with Shopify and get data successfully from it. 


Could anyone share their setting in Download tool and give some example workflows to show how to connect successfully? 


Thanks so much! 


Is there something in particular that you are looking to do with Shopify's APIs? Their documentation can be found here: 


You will also need to look at whether or not the endpoint in question needs to be authenticated and if so, how to go about doing so: 


The easiest approach is probably using Basic Authentication as mentioned here: 

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks Brandon, the links help! 

6 - Meteoroid

My company uses Shopify for our ecommerce business and i have to get data from Shopify and do analytics. I did a lot of search these days and i finally get some process by bringing some data from Shopify to Alteryx and I want to share the resources i use and summarize them below: 


1. Shopify API documents.

It helps to understand what and how to use the API. Using API, we could get Shopify data we want. 

Shopify provides different types of API and what I use is Admin API and use REST.


2. Shopify Admin

After logging in to Shopify, merchants set up their store, configure settings, and manage their business using the Shopify admin. The Shopify admin includes core aspects of the merchant's Shopify business, including orders, products, and customers. Merchants also install apps in the Shopify admin. I don't need to do any set up for our Shopify store but it helps me understand i need to use Shopify admin API. What I view and manage after logging into my store are Shopify admin pages. 


3. Shopify private app and authentication:  

A Shopify app extends the existing functionality of Shopify. Most Shopify apps are built by third-party developers, not by Shopify.

You can build an app to add features to Shopify stores and extend the merchant experience, or to create unique buying experiences for customers. You can also pull Shopify store data into your app, platform, or integration. To tailor experiences to their specific needs, merchants use Shopify apps to help build their business, integrate with external services, and add features to their Shopify admin.


I created a private app and use basic HTTP authentication to get my Shopify data.

You could find the instruction how to create a private app and how to use basic HTTP authentication from 

Basic HTTP authentication

The authentication way works for me in Alteryx is the  base64 representation, the resource i learnt how to use it and connect is from accepted solution of:

The post attached a workflow to introduce how to get products information from Shopify in Alteryx. 


4. How to get all orders from Shopify example(Python):

It is a good example for me to understand the process and it is connected in Python not Alteryx.


5. Download tool detailed introduction: 

It helps me understand how to use Download tool when we need to connect Shopify store successfully in Alteryx


6. Download and Parse Json

When we connect Shopify with Alteryx successfully, data we got from Shopify is Json. We need to parse json in Alteryx.


Convert Shopify complex json into table:


Parse Nested JSON (Product ) from shopify:



Please feel free to add your resources help you and any feedbacks are welcomed! 



Great work!


@ziweipi I just created an APIs for Beginners page that may be a helpful resource for the future as well: 


It contains some examples of the different authentication types and how to approach each

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for doing it Brandon! It is very helpful to understand API connections as beginners. 

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