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Trying to import mulitple excel files but only one file is loading

7 - Meteor


I'm using the Input Data tool to import multiple files. In Configuration, I've placed the asterisk after the file name and changed Output File Name as Field to File Name Only; however, only one file is imported. I know the other files are being read because I had one of them open, ran the workflow which errored and the error message named that file as being open. The files have the same format, columns it's just the data that's different.



21 - Polaris

@jenettd since the schema is different you have to use the batch macro, if you use the dynamic input tool also you will get the same schema error

7 - Meteor

Thank you again!


I was able to use the batch macro like you all suggested and used the Directory instead of the Input Data tool in the standard workflow.


1) I added Control Parameter and Action tools to the batch macro

2) Configured the Action tool and selected 'Update Input Data Tool' as the action type.

3) Configured the Input Data tool in the macro. For Output File Name as Field, I used 'Full Path'.

4) Saved the macro and added it to the standard workflow after the Directory tool.


It worked. Thanks again!

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