I have list of userid's like this :
which has email id associated with it .
Is there any way to trigger emails using user id's , as i will not have email id's associated in the output file .
Any help is appreciated.
If i understood well, you can solve this problem like this:
1)you will have a table with data per user
2)you will need a table with email per user
3)you will join both tables
4)you will use stop until done to
a)first, write the outputs (1 file per user)
b)second, attach the proper file and send to the proper email
Please let me know if this is what you are looking for.
If the provided answer helped you to solve the problem/was correct, please accept it as a solution :)
Hi @Felipe_Ribeir0 ,
No there is no email from the file . can alteryx connect to outlook and pick the email id based on user id .
At least in my company, i can send email to people using [microsoftuserid]@companyname.net
So if my microsoftuserid = felipe, i can send to felipe@companyname.net
Maybe the best way is to see how to do that inside your company with the Microsoft products IT team.
hi @Felipe_Ribeir0 ,
Nice idea . But my company has userid's like : AXXXXX and email id first and last name . So this is not possible .