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Tool to select specific rows manually like a checkbox

7 - Meteor



I have an benchmarking excel (created using Alteryx) which contains some potential cost savings % for specific departments in three types for each department - 25th percentile, median and 75th percentile. I want to select 1 best savings % for each department manually since it is very objective process. I can do that in excel but want to know if that can be done in Alteryx.  

7 - Meteor

Sure, I am downloading 2020.3 now hope it opens on that. 



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @SSingh1029 


You can use How to downgrade .yxmd(Workflow), .yxmc(Macro), .yxwz(Analytic app) file types  to downgrade the app.


Sorry for the missing images.

7 - Meteor

It worked than you !!


if i want to add more information in the selection box like description of the KPI for which the value is showing


and also i want to take the output to my workflow where it will be used to get actual saving number based on the percentages.


can i do that?? 



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @SSingh1029 


1. If you want to add description in option name please share me sample data so that i can make changes since format needed to changed about 2 to 3 places.

2. You can add an output tool at the end of this workflow to store in a file and later be used.


Hope this helps 🙂

7 - Meteor

So the thing is that the file which has descriptions and other relevant fields is coming as an output from a workflow. I want to connect your workflow to mine in the end so that everything happens at one go and I get an output with values that I select in the list box.


It would be great if you could help me here

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @SSingh1029 


You can consider the text input tool as the input steam. You just need to remove text input tool and connect your output connection to formula tool. But i dont know how well the combo will work only way to know is to try it out.


Before :


After combine :



Try combining and let me know how well it works. We can work on it from there for adding description 🙂

7 - Meteor

Thank you so much for helping !! I am sharing the data template here. Currently in the output we have Department - Match : value


I just need to add Benchmark KPI between department and Match


thanks a lot again   

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @SSingh1029 


Seems like [Potential Savings %] column is missing in the file. I just use the [Benchmark KPI] column in the previous sample data you gave. Here is the modified workflow. Please check and let me know.


Hope this helps 🙂


7 - Meteor

when i am applying this on the entire dataset the last join in the workflow is not working, nothing is coming in join

7 - Meteor

This is the 'Name': RentalFee - TypicalSavings - 75thPercentile : 0%15


and this is the format of 'Option value': RentalFee - TypicalSavings - 75thPercentile : 0.15


how can i fix this? 

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