Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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To combine data faster from enabled and disabled containers.

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


How can one combine data which comes from different containers even when some of those containers are disabled?

Generally I replicate the tools as per the number of outputs required.

Unions, joins and appends don't work unless all inputs are initialized.

Is there any other quicker way or any another way to do the same?

11 - Bolide

A Union tool will work even if there's only one active input. Test it yourself by disabling the container. Please see attached:

7 - Meteor

It does apply in the workflow you shared but I have still faced that error.

I searched in the community now and found a similar case being mentioned as shared below:



11 - Bolide

Maybe my solution for errors in Formula tools will work for you.


I am adding an "Error Handler" to the Union which has the column names, but no data. See attachment.


Then again, in the link you attached, they mention the Detour tool. If you have it in your workflow then it's probably the reason for the error you're experiencing. It completely shuts off the tools. If you are using it, make sure you end it with the Detour End instead of a Union.
