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Title of a Scatter Plot

5 - Atom

Is there a way to change the title of a scatter plot? 


Right now I'm getting a custom text as title which doesn't fit into the output window - 

shot2.PNGI understand that I can change the text font size using the Style options, but is there a way to completely change the title that's displayed? I don't want the text "Scatterplot of" in the title.

14 - Magnetar

Hi @prateer 


The title text is defined within the R script inside the Scatterplot tool. You can manipulate this by first enabling macro indicators on tools:


Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings > Canvas > Display macro indicators on tools


Once this is done you should see a small black plus icon on the Scatterplot tool.


Next, right click on the tool and choose Open Macro: Predictive Tools\Scatterplot.yxmc. This will open a new workflow where you can see how the Scatterplot tool was constructed.


Within this new workflow locate the R tool and scroll to the bottom of the code. From here you can edit the words "Scatterplot of" out of the title by adjusting the code.


Screenshot 2019-05-05 at 15.19.13.png

If I've solved your problem please consider marking this solution as accepted. Thank you!


8 - Asteroid


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