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Text To Columns

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to separate data in the form:



Company Name



I want to move the state to a separate column. How would I do this?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @jwc,


I moved this comment to a separate thread.


You can use text to columns with newline ( /n  ) as your delimiter to split this data to rows.


Take a look at the attached example.



Jess Silveri
Manager, Technical Account Management | Alteryx
6 - Meteoroid

Okay, so here is a spreadsheet that replicates my issue. For example, I need to get

3457D           ABC Company, Inc.                 AK


All in different columns. 

You will see in the excel sheet, this data also populates with white space, so that is an issue I also need to fix. Thank you for the replies! My first post definitely did not have enough detail! Appreciate any solutions!

13 - Pulsar

I'd suggest using a Transpose and then Text to Columns with a \n delimiter, as suggested above.  Something like:


The Formula and Select tools are just for cleanup.  Hope it helps!

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for your help!
