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Temporary Variable

7 - Meteor

Is there a way to create a variable inside a formula that is not related to a column?

7 - Meteor
I would like to do the following in a conditional statement:
If (Condition) then [New Variable] = [Column A] Else "Not Tested" (or -1 if
numeric) Endif

*Barry Nadler*
PwC | Specialist
Tampa | +1 (727) 483 4195
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I'd like to help, but I think some more information is necessary. Could you describe what you are trying to achieve, or do you have a proposed formula?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@bnadler004 wrote:
I would like to do the following in a conditional statement:
If (Condition) then [New Variable] = [Column A] Else "Not Tested" (or -1 if
numeric) Endif

The conditional statement looks straightforward. What did you have in mind to create this "New Variable". Whatever you would do to create that variable could be done within the conditional statement rather that in a separate field.





7 - Meteor

I can get what I want using an Append, however, if there is the existence of temporary variables, it would be cleaner.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

What information do you append? Could you attach an example of this workflow? 


Whatever goes into creating this "temporary variable" could probably be done within the conditional statement with the same formula without needing to define another variable.


7 - Meteor

The portion of this file  that is of interest ends with the formula tool, for now.  If, instead of the Append tool, I could use a formula tool, it would be cleaner.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thanks for providing that sample workflow for me to review. It looks like you're trying to calculate the low/high value range for each vehicle type, for each record in your input. I wasn't sure what the A,B,C,D values in Dataset2 meant, so i skipped them for now.


Take a look at the attached example where I did a little clean up and preparation on DataSet2, then computed value ranges for each record in the second tool container. If this is all wrong, then let me know and I'll give it another shot. 

7 - Meteor



Unfortunately, I cannot open your solution.  We are still using V. 11.7


Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Open the .yxmd file in Notepad and change the XML version to 11.5 and see if that works. 






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