Looking for a little help on the table tool. I am trying to dynamically create column rules by deselecting all of my fields before the tool, creating a "Dynamic or Unknown Fields" rule, and then bringing in the fields again. I am able to get this to work successfully if I convert all of my columns to strings, but then they output as text in Excel which I do not want. Is there a way to create dynamic column rules for numbers? I am simply checking whether a number is below 0 or not and then changing the text color to red. I am using the setup below in the picture. Whenever I attempt to run this, I get the error stating that "String variable switched type". Is there a way to resolve this error and preserve the numeric data type? Any help would be much appreciated.
I may be mistaken here, but it looks like you want to apply this to all columns in the dataset. If so, you can create a row rule that will apply to all columns