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Sum of Qty, per Item

8 - Asteroid

I need to create a formula to Sum the Qty, per item and my attempts to date have not worked.  My end results (600) will be added to a new column with the total Qty per Item.  Any assistance very much appreciated !  I will continue to look for other tools in the toolbox in the meantime !




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You would use a summarize tool to get the total quantity, and then you can use a join tool to bring this into the full population. 


Use the item as a group by, and the quantity as sum. See attached for an example.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I would recommend using the summarize tool to fins the sum of Qty per Item. Then use the join tool to attach it as a new column using the Item as a unique identifier.


Here is a screenshot of my workflow and results:



And here is a screenshot of how I have the summarize tool configured (only the Item and Qty need to be included in the actions section):



Let me know if you have any questions! Workflow attached as well.




8 - Asteroid

Thank you @LukeG - the use of the Summarize Tool, the Join Tool, and then the Unique Tool gave me my results !


Thank you !!!

8 - Asteroid

Thank you @echuong1 !  I had to add the Unique Tool for my final result - thank you for sending your response with the graphic and workflow process thru !  Very much appreciated !

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