Need SAP number 1191901 in 4 and tag the amount of 2 against it. How to do it using a tool. Can anyone please assist?
S.No | SAP | Amounts |
1 | 1191901 | 456 |
2 | 1929292 | 567 |
3 | 1292920 | 4674 |
4 | ||
5 |
any specific tool you can suggest?
Hey---> You are working with Alteryx. You should learn how to use Alteryx. Your question has no problem statement. It's not a repeatable logic. Learn the Multi-row formula tool? Maybe. Learn how to join? Maybe? I can't answer your question because you aren't phrasing your problem in an Alteryx way. Learn Alteryx tools -> solve your own problems -> ask questions in a way which make sense so this board can help you.
Thanks for the suggestion, and yes, I'm new to alteryx. I have successfully added the rows; however, now I'm struggling to get the correct formula to get the amount in newly added rows against its SAP accounts, which need to be taken from the above rows from the SAP account starting with 9200 (snapshot attached). Could you assist with the formulas?
@AmitRana_ I think what my friend @apathetichell is trying to say is, your question is too vague. We can suggest a multitude of tools, but it does not solve your specific issue. What would be helpful is that if you can provide us with some sample data, what you have done so far, and what you expect to see.
Then we can guide you or show you an example. Else we are not getting anywhere.
@AmitRana_ - what we are asking about is the semnantic connection between your specific rows and columns? How do you scale it? how do you create an instruction set to solve a problem? If it's just this row column goes here ---> don't spend $5K on Alteryx and use Excel.