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String getting truncated while reading .xls files

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I am trying to read a .xls file which contains few fields with lengthy strings with more than 300 characters. But by default, while reading in the input itself, the string length is getting truncated to 255 characters. I do not have any option to set up field length like we can do for .csv inputs. Kindly help with ideas on how I can read the inputs without truncation. 

8 - Asteroid

Pretty sure this option still exists in the configuration window.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@jNunez is right. You can change it here:



Just change it to 99999 and it should be fine.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
5 - Atom

That works for csv files but doesn't resolve the issue with excel files.  Converting to csv seems like an unnecessary extra step.  

12 - Quasar

@rstorr @saimathangi It does still bring in the entire field. You just don't see it in the results pane. You can see it in the cell viewer of the browse tool. It should also appear in any output.




7 - Meteor

Hi, yes. I know this can be done for .csv file. But when I read a .xls file, I do not get this option

12 - Quasar

@saimathangi Did you see my note above? The entire field should still be there. You just don't see it in the results pane. If you add a browse tool, you should be able to see it in the cell viewer, or if you output the data, you can see the entire string in the output.

7 - Meteor

Hi @jdminton - Yes, I did. But that looks to be a .xlsx file and not .xls

12 - Quasar

@saimathangi it makes no difference. Here is one with .xls. If that does not solve your issue, please provide data or screenshots. Thanks!


5 - Atom

In my case, I was attempting to parse a field containing an email body that was copy and pasted.  Strangely the browse tool was still showing the data truncated, I think this was due to carriage return/end of line characters in the field.  Once I used regex to remove them it stopped truncating in the browse tool.  

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