Hi All,
We are trying to build a workflow that resolves conflicts on resources bookings based on a ranking system. We identified the conflicts from our dataset and applied our ratings and our current output is a table that show the resource name, the week of the booking, the client on which they are allocated, the rating and the hours booked.
Is there a function/formula we can use to pick the allocate the resource to the client with the highest rating or number of hours?
Only picking, then the sorting tool maybe is the one here.
It will helpful you can give the sample output.
The expected output is to have one resource per job per week. We want the output to select only the below:
summarize tool,
group by name
max final rating
rejoin with the original data source to get the additional column info should give you the output you want, but I can't speak to if that will work in all your cases.
Is there a more complex allocation methodology than highest "final rating" for each "name"?
Hi @Aderonke
I would sort the data by rating/hours, then sample the first record for each name/week combo. This looks to be matching your expected output.