I have below task in which there is a role and a start date and end date and # of hours and I need to divide the hours/ business working days and find hrs per day
since in below case there are 131 business working days so 1040/131=7.93. Weekend dates can show 0 hours and thats fine
Reason is I need to understand by role and each month, how many hrs they are expected to work. The assumption is that they work same every day.
Thank you
KEY Role start date end date hrs
1 Consultant 6/1/2020 11/30/2020 1040
key role date month year hrs
1 Consultant 6/1/2020 June 2020 7.93
1 Consultant 6/2/2020 June 2020 7.93
1 Consultant 6/3/2020 June 2020 7.93
1 and so on until... 11/30/2020 Nov 2020 7.93
hrs column will total at the end to 1040