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Split complex string into multiple columns

5 - Atom

I get a data dump that has a column called Metatdata with the following values


[{"templateId":"InternalMetadata","fields":{"Operator":"JSmith","Group ID":"8","Document Num":"3452","Doc Edit Date":"1/1/2023 12:18:36 PM","Description":"SecondAmendment_of_the_Agreement","SubType":"na","Keywords":"ACQ FIN","Doc Create Date":"1/1/2022 2:00:00 PM","individual ID":"43","Department":"ACQ","Author":"JSmith","Final":"True","DocType":"FIN"}}]


and a second row


[{"templateId":"InternalMetadata","fields":{"Operator":"AJackson","Group ID":"7","Document Num":"2345","Doc Edit Date":"5/1/2023 12:18:36 PM","Description":"Proof_of_Concept_New_Model","SubType":"na","Keywords":"Analytics Excel","Doc Create Date":"4/1/2023 12:00:00 PM","individual ID":"78","Department":"BI","Author":"AJackson","Final":"True","DocType":"Excel"}}]


What I'm trying to do is split this data into columns as follows


TemplateIDFieldsOperatorGroup IDDocument NumDoc Edit DateDescriptionSubTypeKey WordsDoc Create Date
InternalMetadata{JSmith834521/1/2023SecondAm...naACQ FIN1/1/2022
InternalMetadata{AJackson723455/1/2023Proof_Of_C...naAnalytics Excel4/1/2023


Essentially I need to find "*": and make the * into column headers, Then find :"*" and make the * the value for those columns. I looked at some similar examples where regex was used but my knowledge of Perl is zero and I wasn't able to figure out the necessary regular expressions. The Fields description doesn't follow this pattern but the values always start with the same expression [{"templateId":"InternalMetadata","fields":{ and I'd be fine if that was just gone. I would like all columns from operator to doc type. 



13 - Pulsar



Json Parse Tool

an workflow example





21 - Polaris

@EJenkins similar approach to @geraldo , added a few tools to keep the order of the columns as it is 




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