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Smart Tile Grouping Values

7 - Meteor

I'm using the Smart Tile to review 90 days worth of information.  The results provide groupings up to 3 STD in each direction around an average as I expect.  Is it possible to retrieve the values of each grouping?


For example, when I receive a record returned from Smart Tile that contains "Extremely High (Above 5600)", how might I retrieve 5600 from Smart Tile?  Also, how might I received 5600 from Smart Tile even when there is no record that contains it?





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Are you referring to the Smart Tile setting within the Report Map tool? If so, there is a way to extract that information from the legend.


- In the Report Map tool, set the legend position to "Separate Field".

- Use the Map Legend Splitter tool on that separate legend field and it will parse out the information you seek. 

7 - Meteor

Thanks CharlieS!


I tried your suggestion.  The data source does not contain spatial information so the Report Map had nothing on which to operate (if I understand the error message correctly).  Cool idea tho'!


My data is a count by date (e.g., 1/1,45, 1/2,78,...) and Smart Tile provides an analysis that groups the data into Standard Deviation bins.  Smart Tile provides some information about the bin as I noted ("Extremely High (Above 5600)").  I would like to get that 5600 from Smart Tile.




19 - Altair

@jdemeyerI'm not sure exactly what you are asking for - the 5600 is a cutoff based upon the standard deviation of your data. Whether any of your data actually hits that level (or above) is fairly specific to your data (2 standard deviations above your mean in a normal distribution would only occur in 2.5% of cases - no?), so there is the chance that there are no cases which meet that threshold... It's exceptionally unlikely that there is a datapoint specifically at that value especially in a non-huge set of data.


Is your question - how is that determined, or how do I extract records with those features? You can use a filter tool on the smart tile values to filter out the 3's or whatever value "extremely high" corresponds to.



7 - Meteor

Hello @apathetichell!


Thanks for the opportunity to clarify!


Yes, 5600 is the cutoff based on the STD of my data.  I agree that there may or may not be data at exactly 5600.  I'm interested in the cutoff value itself.


My question is how do I get the value of the cutoff?  In this case, the value of the cutoff is 5600.  How do I get 5600?




19 - Altair



Take a look at this thread - the implication seems to be that "extremely high" should be 2.5 standard deviations from your mean.



7 - Meteor

Thanks!  The article and other links from that article review the operation and some of the math in Smart Tile.  I didn't see a method to get the value of a cutoff.


Other ideas?



19 - Altair

I believe the excel screenshot shows raw data/computation of mean/computation of standard deviation and creation of intervals that mimic the Tile' tools' thresholds.



If the number looks super weird - which I think is what you might be asking about - perhaps there is a total figure included in your data which Tile is viewing as a singular entry? You might want to use to a profile tool in Browse (depending upon data size), a summarize tool, field summary tool etc to see where your values diverge from what you'd expect.

7 - Meteor

Thanks!  I agree the Excel screen shot mimics the information in Smart Tile.


I'm sorry that I'm not being clear.  My intent is to extract the value of the cutoff (regardless of its value - weird or otherwise) so that I can use it in a report.


When Smart Tile runs, it provides a column that indicates the cutoff value in text.  The complete text of that column reads "Extremely High (Above 5600)".  I would like to extract the value of the cutoff - just the cutoff - to use in a report.



19 - Altair

2021-05-05 (6).png

2021-05-05 (7).png
