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Sharepoint output tool


Hello all, I am having difficulty getting the SharePoint Output tool to work in my workflow. I posted my workflow below with the error message. The 2 other error messages come from the message tool which I configured within the work to show as errors if character count exceeds a specific length. A little background of the workflow, the main part is the python tool that has extensive code in there that is being used as a PowerPoint exporter. The reason I want to output the excel file to SharePoint is because I want to track the data coming in so I can run analysis on it since this workflow will be constantly run in various departments by many employees. I attached the SharePoint configuration window as well, I am trying to send the file that will be uploaded to the documents within my SharePoint site. I have tried doing it with just the input file and can get a new folder put in SharePoint however the excel file document will not transfer over. 

Thank you in advance for your help!





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