This is probably an easy one but I can't get it. I need to move columns I thru M as new lines instead of having them on the same line. Sheet 1 is what I start with and Sheet2 is what I need (highlighted lines in Tab Sheet2 contain what needs moved - anything with OT on the line).
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks so much. This doesn't make sense to me why it works, but it does! Why don't the column headings mess this up?
In a little more detail what is happening is:
Filter on records where overtime is not 0, then remove the original columns from that stream.
Take the original records, and remove the overtime columns
Union the two streams together with the config set to 'Auto Config by Position', and the Union tool only brings in the headers from the 1st Input, which in this case is the second stream containing the original records without the overtime columns.
As the Union tool configs by position, it adds the rows from the filtered stream to the bottom and is then sorted by EmployeeID
There is probably a quicker way of doing it but this works :)
THAT"S THE KEY - config set to 'Auto Config by Position', and the Union tool only brings in the headers from the 1st Input. Thank You!