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Send email even if attachment is missing.

6 - Meteoroid

This flow creates maximum of 4 attachments. The email body provides count of data in each attachment. There are days where no data will be output on 1 or more tables.

This is causing the flow to return an error message and not send out the email. I want the flow to be dynamic when there is no data to create an attachement and add to the email body.

Please help.


19 - Altair

I don't use multiple joins - but you can either add a dummy field with the same name (use a union) or if that is potentially going to have 0 rows - you should create two paths - one for an e-mail with file - one for an e-mail without.


Hi @Chirag101 - There are a few ways to achieve a desired outcome. You may want to try Control Containers. Have a look at the Use Case #3 here:

