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Select the input data from the middle of the source file

8 - Asteroid

Hi All

I have a source file with two sections 

a.  One section is with ABC company

b. Second section is with XYZ company


I want the input data only from XYX company


How do I use input data or any other tools to select the data from XYZ and ignore the first section i.e ABC company ?

Please note that the data for XYZ can start at any part of the source file


Thanks for helping




18 - Pollux

This is not possible with a .csv file. You have to read in all of the information and then select only the information you want.

11 - Bolide

Hi @cterrence I agree with @apathetichell it's easiest to use Input Data tool and then select the data you want using Select Records tool to select data ad hoc basis since you mentioned the data for XYZ can start at any part of the source file. If there is a way to determine which rows to select by logic, then a Filter tool will be useful.

FYI: to bring in only part of the data sheet using Input Data tool, the input file needs to be in Excel format and the cell range to be fixed.


In this example, the file path will be:




Hope this helps.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you

12 - Quasar

Hi @cterrence , you can use the Multi-Row Formula tool to identify each company name by searching for 'Account Name:' in the first field.  Then you can filter for "XYZ".  See the attached workflow, hope that helps.
