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Search for dublicates and combine a different field and add a new field with the result

8 - Asteroid

I need to check for dublicates in SKU (as you can see in picture 001 so are there same sku) and when it find dublicate sku so shall Grössen be added in a new field on the first dublicate sku and delete all other, so there will be only one sku with all the grössen in the new field.

Any suggestions ?

(picture 001 is showning the orginal file and picture 002 is showning what I want as result)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@patrikfrid  You can use the unique tool in the preparation tab to get the result you want. In the unique tool, check off the SKU number and that will do the trick. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Easiest way to do this is with the summarize tool. Group by all the columns except size and concatenate size with a comma separator. I'll build a simple example, but it will take a few minutes.


EDIT: Here's the workflow. The last column has the list of sizes as you showed in your example.There are two flows. One groups by all columns except size and concatenates the sizes. The other groups only by SKU and takes the first value for all the other columns except size and concatenates sizes.

8 - Asteroid

@TonyA thanks, that was easy when you know what tools you shall use and it did the trick, thanks alot

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