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Scheduled Workflow error

8 - Asteroid

My workflow is scheduled to run everyday at certain time. It picks only the latest files from directory and runs. What if someday my workflow failed and it did not run on that day.The next day run will skip that failed file and continue for the latest file. But i want the failed workflow to run again (i'l fix the error) and generate output and then go for next latest file. How do i fix this issue?



Note: The workflow takes only one file i.e the latest file, per run and generates output.

8 - Asteroid



On Failure, what you want to achieve? do you want to run the workflow are just mark it as success?


can you share me the workflow snapshot to be of more help.

8 - Asteroid

If the workflow fails then we can resolve the issue from our end and then run the workflow again. I will use Email tool or event option to get mail on failure. In this way we will come to know when it failed and why.

My only concern is if its possible to move all the success files to one folder and incase of failure all the unprocessed files should be in same folder. 

Note: We are receiving user files into network drive not locally.


I've attached a snapshot of my workflow. Cant share entire workflow as it has company data. There is a macro to read multiple .txt from the network directory

8 - Asteroid



Do you have a Download tool used in the Macro?


If yes then check the file using a filter tool then you can move that to SUCCESS or FAILURE flow.

8 - Asteroid

I just created a .bat file with move source target command in it and added this .bat file in event and it worked. We can use it in run command tool also.


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