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Save workflow results to server | Similar to Tableau

7 - Meteor

What is the best way to be able to save the results from a workflow so that others can access it and have 'live' data?  This would be similar to Tableau.  There is an app created where you can export the data to the Tableau server and a user could then create a dashboard and link directly to that path.  What are the available options?  Would this need to be a data warehouse?  Does Alteryx include this feature on the server?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

There is no in-built functionality for this in the Server product, however you could create a DB on the Server and alias it accordingly to serve the purpose.

7 - Meteor

Hi KaneG,


Thanks for the response.  Could you please explain that a little more?  What we are looking for is being able to save the results from a workflow that would be updated according to a schedule and a user could refer to that file if using Tableau or another analytical program.  For this type of project we wouldn't want to export it as an excel spreadsheet because we would want this data to be current.  Does the Alteryx server have this capability or would we need to subscribe to another data warehousing type of program?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You would need a separate database. For what you are describing I would not expect that you would need a full Data Warehouse. If it is just a few datasets, then that would only relate to a few tables in a database, and so you could most likely use something free/cheap (PostgreS/MySQL/MongoDB).


In Alteryx, you would just set up a Data Connection for that DB (Options > Advanced > Data Connections) which will act like an ALias so that you can easily write to it from multiple workflows.



7 - Meteor

That's good news.  Would colleagues be able to access the data connections that are saved to the Alteryx Server or only those that have a license?

12 - Quasar

It's my guess that data connections shared in the Gallery are really only useful to Alteryx users.  Though with Gallery you can  place analytical apps out in the public side and create log ins for non-Alteryx users.


Info about sharing data connections  in your company Gallery:



If you are storing the  output in a standalone database then  you can just share the credentials to whoever needs  them  to connect.   If you sole audience consists  of Tableau  developers then you cold have Alteryx writing to a .tde .  Then put the .tde into Tableau Server's Data Sources  and control the access to it  in the Permissions tab.





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