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Save Workflow Results Every Time The Workflow Runs In The Same File

Hi everyone!


I am having certain difficulties in programming an algorithm that saves a summary result every time that the workflow run without erasing the previous one. I want to keep track of a variable's history adding a different row every time the workflow runs. I guess that the output file might be the same as the input file. Does anyone know how I can do this? 




16 - Nebula

Hi @camilagarciabustos 


You can use the formula tool + output tool to do this. The attached example will get the current datetime and save the output with the name filename_YEARMONTHDAY_HOURMINUTESECOND.xlsx|||Sheet1 for example. Just configure the formula tool as you wish using this as example and you will be able to save a different file everytime that the workflow runs.







13 - Pulsar

Hello @camilagarciabustos ,

If I understand correctly, you are effectively looking to create batches within your output file.

You can achieve this by using the datetimenow() formula.

Attaching a simple example to get you started.


Hope this helps!

16 - Nebula

Hi @camilagarciabustos 


It worked?

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