An example:
Table one has account #1 and #2.
Table two has account #1, #2 and #3
When I join both tables above the output only shows account #1, #2, but NOT #3 acct because it was unable to join to acct #3 in the 2nd table because it is not there.
When I join both tables, the primary Table one has all 3 accts and I want to keep those records in the output and any records that show in Table two. The end result would output showing all 3 accts after the join.
I tried to look at union but that does not seem to work.
Can someone help me to see what Alteryx workflow tool will allow me to read two tables and show both records above?
The above is the best example I can provide as I don't have a workflow to show you. That is where I need your help.
Thanks, George