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SFTP download tool error

10 - Fireball

Hi all,


I am trying to download status files from an sftp server.


We have many setups like this and the method is always using an input field with the sftp location and use a first download tool to check which files are on it. Then use this to create all the links and use a second download tool to download all the files into alteryx and parse them.


But now for this carrier I get the following error:

Download (2) Error transferring data "sftp://sftp.**********.cloud/***/": Remote file not found"

Trying it with a file that I know that is on the server gives a similar error:

Download (2) Error transferring data "sftp://sftp.******.cloud/***/*******************.xml": Remote file not found


Some extra info that might help troubleshooting...

-The sftp server is cloud based

-I can connect to filezilla to the sftp so I do not think it is an access issue.

-If i make an error on purpose within the connection tab for the credentials the error changes to Login denied so it is able to connect...

-I googled other topics to no avail, there's no empty spaces within the link or anything.


Appreciate the help.
