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Run the workflow in a Sequence

7 - Meteor

Hi Team , 


I have workflow designed in separate containers and one has a batch macro.  How to sequentially run the workflow in each container, the container which has the full batch macro should be completed then go to next container and run the workflow

11 - Bolide

To run the containers sequentially in Alteryx, you can use the Control Containers tool. This tool allows you to specify the sequence in which containers will be triggered, ensuring that they run sequentially and not need to embed within batch macros.


Here are the steps to follow:

Build your tool containers on a separate canvas.

Copy and paste them into the final canvas in the order of which you want them to execute.

The containers will execute sequentially.


I hope this helps!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@36892362 as @Hammad_Rashid you can use control containers to do this. They do not execute based on the order they're placed on the canvas though. You need to connect the containers using the containers' anchors. A control container with an input connection will not start running until all the data has reached its input anchor. There's more info here: 

Hope that helps,



7 - Meteor

Thank you 👍. Will give it a try

7 - Meteor

Hi i cannot find this tool Control container does it need any specific access

7 - Meteor

Hi Team,  The Control Tool container is not available in the version that i use. Is there any alternative way to run the workflow in sequence

13 - Pulsar

Control Containers need Version 2023. The alternative is to use the Block Until Done Tool with AMP turned off.

7 - Meteor

I have found that controlled contains do not work as expected. This is the most simplest way to put it. It may work correctly with a small amount of records and does not with large data sets.


Here are some of my finds with controlled containers and unexpected results. I’m not look for a resolution, this is just being informative. I know of ways around this Standard macro is a resolution example.


This workflow (Pic Below) gets a table with 115 million records and pushes it to another table location and marks the time in a separate history table, with one record being recorded in that history table.  (Does work as expected)



I would expect (Pic Below) this to workflow to have the same result (It does not). This will record the history table every time the main table copy's part of the batch during the 115 million record copy. Causing 15 -40 history records to be recorded.



I could not get any more simple of an example of how controlled containers are not really a viable solution for workflow control currently. Noted if I was emailing the completion of the table that would be really bad. I'll stick with macros for the time being til they get this sorted out. 
