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Row generation Formula issue

8 - Asteroid

I've created a alteryx workflow which is generating rows (Month column) based on the activation and decommission dates mentioned in the datasets.


I ran the workflow but for few of the test id my existing logic is not working. I've listed few of the test_id in the attached excel.


For TI1555, the recent testing month is 5/31/2021 7:00:00 PM and evaluation frequency is "annual" so the month row should generate 1 row with date 5/22/2022 (as it comes under the date range +6 months and -5 months from the current date), but currently it's showing 8/22/2021

Same issue is TI712

because of my initiatlize expression (Max([recent_testing_month],datetimeadd([Current Date],-6,"Months"))) in the generate rows derive the value as 8/22/2021


For TI843, the recent testing month is "12/31/2021 6:00:00 PM" and evaluation frequency is "Quarterly", This test should also generate the row with the date "09/31/2021" as it comes  under the date range +6 months and -5 months from the current date.


Somehow the workflow is not backtracking the dates before "recent_testing_month"


for other tests it calculating the correct months. Could you please suggest any different logic of row generation which can help me to resolve these issues for quarterly,semi-annual and annual


Here we are only concerned with the month calculation


I've attached the complete dataset (workload discussion), error test id list(error), workflow and a notepad file which explains the entire workflow.


Please help.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @swapsingh2712 ,


I modified the logic by  calculating the date ranges first and then generating the month rows. Hope I didn't over-simplify ...




Let me know if it works for you.




