Curious issue here.
I have a workflow where I am leveraging multiple in-house macros, to run SQL against our database. I'm running three instances of the macro, one each for 3 different CAT ID values. Using the MultiJoin tool (although I'm seeing the same results if I use two different Join tools) the results pane is empty after the MultiJoin tool yet the Browse tool picks up data. See screen shots.
EMPL DATA #1 - is the whole workflow;
EMPL DATA #2 - is the Results pane view after each of the three macros, leading into the MultiJoin tool;
EMPL DATA #3 - is the Results pane view after the MJ tool;
EMPL DATA #4 - is the Results pane view after the Browse tool.
Any ideas on why data appears to be passing through yet isn't.
FYI, this is a new issue but there have been no version updates made on my system. Running version 2019.2
Rob Lawson
Résolu ! Accéder à la solution.
Hey @rob_lawson,
The most common culprit for not seeing data unless using a browse tool is usually a memory issue, where data is more than what's set as the default for being able to preview.
I would check this setting in Options > User settings > Edit User Settings > Advanced to make sure it's not particularly low, or you can try bumping this up a bit to then see if you can preview the data at that particular anchor after the multi-join.
A previous post that can be referenced:
I'll be damned NickSM, if that didn't do the trick!
Not sure why all of a sudden that happened, but I can now work my Sys Admin to dig into this.
For the time being, Wrorkflow is now working as expected.
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