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Resource Productivity

6 - Meteoroid

Hi i am developing a productivity workflow.

The issue which i am facing is to calculate missing hours as currently if some do not fill the hours for a whole that date does not appear in the report and to calculate from there that it is missing 8 hour for that day.

If user fill their time based on different projects so sometime it goes in multiple line items as well 


if someone have idea then i share more details for the requirements.


With following example i have 100K line item where i need to check un-booked hours for every resource for every month / day etc.

11 - Bolide

This may be a good starting point. Essentially, the attached workflow creates a calendar (from the first to last date in the data) for each resource and project. Then it joins your hours where they exist.


Hope this helps.



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

If you can share more details, maybe we can take a closer look.

But I think we also need definition for working days, by excluding holidays, weekends?


6 - Meteoroid

I like the solution, the only concern which i have is that i have got 100+ resource, 100+ project and that creates more than 50000 line item.

If i use this logic will it create any mess as i need to see the full or year to date dates

6 - Meteoroid

currently i am taking working days without weekends, i do not have to take off holidays as those are reported as well in the system.

moreover to let you know the data capacity, i have got 100+ projects, 100+ resource and that create 50000+ line item

The dates which i need to consider are from Oct 2023 start till to date or till Sep 2024 based on our Fiscal year

6 - Meteoroid

Also in case if one resource start in mid of year is there a way that i can check their hours form their joining dates rather that it calculates from the start of the year.

11 - Bolide

Applying my solution as a batch macro would allow you to do this.


Some key config options to do this would be:

- The control input would need to be either each unique resource, project, or combination thereof (i.e. a unique list of the grouping).

- Filter the data to match the control variable so that only the necessary records are included on any particular run. 

- Apply the solution above.

- Add any summarization to limit the scope of the output results (i.e. filter for [result] != 8 hours). 


Doing this as a batch macro would be a solution to your last question. For example, if a particular resource/project combo started mid-year the macro would filter for only the applicable records. In other words, the earliest date would not be the earliest date of the entire dataset and extraneous records would not be created. 

6 - Meteoroid

Can you explain this "Doing this as a batch macro would be a solution to your last question. For example, if a particular resource/project combo started mid-year the macro would filter for only the applicable records. In other words, the earliest date would not be the earliest date of the entire dataset and extraneous records would not be created. "


i have resource start and end date and if possible can you shown me in the same workflow which you have created for calendar.

11 - Bolide



With the solution packaged as a batch macro you can avoid creating unnecessary days for which the resource did not exist. 


I've attached the solution configured as a batch macro. 


If you have not already done so you can review the Interactive Lessons - Macros material. It's a very good introduction to what macros are and the capabilities they offer. 

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