I'm fairly new to Alteryx and I'm trying to find a way to replicate a for each loop. I have data that I need to average the volumes of, but it has to be contingent on the as-of date. I'm looking for something that could help me do something similar to the following:
For Each As-Of-Date
If data = 1 then Average(volume)
ElseIf data = 2 then Average(Volume)
End If
Next As-Of_Date
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Looping in Alteryx is generally handled by using a macro. However, from what you've provided it looks like this could be accomplished using a summarize tool configured as follows:
Group By: [As-of-Date]
Group By: [data]
Average: [Volume]
But it really depends on what your data looks like and the result you're looking to get. Can you post a sample of the data?
It would be difficult to post a sample of the data, as it's a very large dataset and the data is confidential. However, a summarize might actually do the job, so I'll try that when I get to that step, this was more of a preparatory question. If that doesn't work, I'll make sure to provide a whip up a quick sample if I need to ask again. Thanks!